Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Posted on 04:49 by Unknown
We counted on David Robertson all season to come in in the 9th and shut the door as his predecessor did…it was no easy task to try to fill those large spikes. DRob did a pretty solid job. No, he isn’t Mariano Rivera…nobody ever will be. However, Robertson proved himself more than capable to be the Yankee closer.
Will David, now a free agent, stay in the Bronx? It’s a great question and I could see the baby faced kid from Alabama splitting town to find another “Sweet Home”. It’s true that the qualifying offer would be a giant step up in pay for DRob. He’d go from making 5 million to 15 million…not too shabby. But it would be for one year. It is hardly a ringing endorsement that the Bombers plan on having David close for the foreseeable future.
There is a young, bigger, stronger, New York born machine out in the pen named Dellin “Icky Thump” Betances now that makes Robertson less than necessary going forward. I’m not saying David should go or that Betances is ready to close…I’m just saying.
In my opinion the bottom line is this is a very different time for the Yankees. The Bronx is not as much a “YOU GOTTA PLAY HERE!” place anymore. The names and faces that made player want to play for the Yankees in recent history have become history themselves. No one will take a pay cut to stay in New York anymore. With the ARod big top circus on the horizon I can see a lot of players looking elsewhere even with an offer from the Yankees on the table. When Robinson Cano jumped ship and finished as close as the Yanks did to the postseason it showed so many that, “Ya know what? The Yankees aren’t the only game in town.”
As Yankee fans it’s a tough bill to swallow…but it’s the harsh reality at the moment. The boat is sailing on rough waters and there is no telling when it will clear up. Could David leave that offer and go looking at the free agent market? Sure, I absolutely think he will. I don’t think being a career Yankee is as high on his list as it may have been in the past. The club is different and DRob may escape for this situation like the bases are loaded and he has 1 out.
Good luck, David. You are class act and a really good guy. I wish you the best no matter what you and your family decide.
**In case we don’t hear it again next year**
--Mike O'Hara
Senior "Features" Writer
Twitter: @mikeyoh21
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