Laura, being a life coach herself, is both beneficiary and benefactor of coaching. In her most recent article, she talks specifically and in detail about how the coaches in her life imparted to her a sense of positivity and a focus on success. She talks about how her coaches “taught by example, with words, and with high expectations” – and you can read more here.
In an interview earlier this year with Bleeding Yankee Blue – BOMBSHELL AND THE BRONX BOMBERS – Laura Posada mentioned about her approach to coaching. “I have enjoyed working to change people's lives for many years now”. It shows, and you can see more of that on her site –
A few months ago, we highlighted a piece about her approach to parenting under the most dire circumstances – that of having a child with a serious illness. Drawing from her own experience with her son Jorge’s craniosynostosis diagnosis, she advises parents on how to handle the challenges that a child’s illness can bring to the family dynamic. "Through it all, partners have to find ways to create moments that bring you happiness. Look always to see the light at the end of the tunnel and feed your love, for in a union, there is strength.".You should read more at LIFE COACH LAURA POSADA DOES IT AGAIN! and get her seven points on strengthening the family unit through such challenges.
We love Laura for many reasons, and we have listed out a bunch already. One of the biggest ones is the support she has given us over the years. She has had our back from the very beginning of our site, and her sense of loyalty is well known. Whether it is her wearing one of our shirts, or her Tweets of encouragement, we are always grateful for the time she gives us. In a world where celebrities and athletes are self-absorbed, Laura Posada’s drive to help others and her devotion to her causes is a breath of fresh air. We wish her continued success in her work.
--Ike Dimitriadis, BYB Senior Staff Writer
Twitter: @KingAgamemnon
My blog is: Shots from Murderer's Row
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