Sunday, 2 November 2014
Posted on 07:03 by Unknown
As you know, Suzie Pinstripe, one of our writers at BYB is a runner. If you know anything about runners, it's a tough gig. Many hours of hard work and the grind in whatever race you challenge yourself in can be brutal. But if you're a runner... you love the challenge.
You look for it.... and you look forward to your moment. There is no better feeling than finishing. After all, it's what you worked for all those months before.
Today is the New York City Marathon. Suzie ran it last year, and today, thousands will run again. You will hear many stories from individuals and why they are there. As many start the race, there are certain personal reasons for finishing. Perhaps an individual realizes that this goal will catapult themselves in their own lives, maybe another marathon or maybe inspire them to push harder in whatever else comes there way. Maybe you lost a loved one and you dedicate the race to them, like this darling, Lysa.
A woman who signed up for herself... and changed her focus once her grandmother had passed just a few days ago. Whatever that focus is, whatever the purpose, she is there to do her best "HER." It started as Lysa wanting to do it because she always wanted to, but now, it's "4 Nana"... and no doubt that will push her further.
I've even written about a woman named Kimberly before. A runner in every sense of the word. Hard working, dedicated to whatever is in her way, and climbing the mountains in life to be the best, not of all mankind... but for herself to build confidence and for the love of the sport. Kimberly's ran plenty of marathons, and recently, she did a Triathlon to prove she could!
Read DON'T STOP BELIEVING...EVER. She's an inspiration.
Today someone else is running that we personally know. It's someone close to the BYB family.
It's Amber Sabathia. She heads a team that will run today in the New York City Marathon and I tip my cap to all these courageous women today, who have found purpose to run, be it to better themselves or to dedicate it to others, even bring awareness. Love it! It's inspiring!
It's a life lesson. Get a goal. Work toward the goal. Win. Sure, if you don't win it all, it's OK. Win for you! You set the pace! You set the goal! Push yourself. Fight. Dedicate. Inspire. You can do it... these women are.
Happy Sunday.
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