It's no secret that we are huge Posada fans here at BYB. Laura and Jorge are incredible! How can you not love them? They spend so much time together, supporting one another, and just loving each other and their children. And Laura gives us all small glimpses of that. Thank you, Social Media.
Laura is now a certified Life Coach and started the Clap For Change movement. She spreads inspiration and knowledge to help give people that extra motivation to change their lives. I dig it! Part of my daily routine is checking Instagram for her workout post. She posted this one a few days ago.
I'll be honest, I didn't get to 1 minute running, 1 minute walking. I'm not there, yet. But I'm pushing for it. There was also this beautiful photo of the entire family for Christmas.
Seriously, this family is gorgeous. Wasn't Jorge just running around the field at Yankee stadium in his father's uniform number? When did he get so big?
Holy cow, what a handsome young man. And Paulina is just as beautiful as her mom. There was this video Laura posted about a week ago from her's and Jorge's anniversary.
Is that not the sweetest thing? Jorge, your lady in the best! I wish I still fit into my wedding dress. A few more work out videos from Laura, and maybe I can get it done.
Laura spent a great deal of 2014 touring. I have a huge amount of respect for Laura. She is an attorney, a life coach, a philanthropist, and still finds time to be a mother and a wife. When speaking of inspirational women of my lifetime, she is absolutely part of the conversation. And her relationship with Paulina is incredible.
I have a daughter. I get it. I do everything I can to make sure that she knows I adore her. I want her to know she is loved and cared for, and that I can be her mother and friend. To see Laura and her daughter like this gives me hope. Makes all the Girl Scout cookies I beg my family to buy worth it.
It's rare to get such a warm look into the lives of people like the Posada's. I mean, I know most celebrities are just regular Joe's, but we don't really get to see it. And maybe, because it is the Posada's I find it that much more special. Even something as simple as sharing photos from the Yankees Women's Fantasy Mini Camp on Facebook made me smile. Jorge's face at realizing his wife was wearing Derek Jeter's #2 was hilarious! Obviously Jorge really isn't upset, but I was caught in a fit of laughter when I saw this photo. It's okay, Jorge. She's wearing his number, but she's got your last name.
And this picture of her hugging Jorge. I'll admit, it brought a tear to my eye. A sons hugs are so special to a mother. Laura is truly one of my role models. I love to see women being successful and inspiring others to do the same.
It's been incredible watching all the adventures Laura and the Posada's have had. From the Laura Posada Tour, to the Fitness Inspiration, to the small glimpses of Jorge and the kids. Laura is a lady that loves what she does, and shares it with us effortlessly. It's great to see her continued success, and to share in the families love, and happiness. BYB loves you, Laura! Grind it! We've got your back!
Hey, be sure to check out Laura's website WWW.LAURAPOSADA.COM!
--Erica Morales BYB Senior Writer
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